OH MA GAH! Let me tell you about a game changer for haircare! I was scrolling through Instastories and came across Jen from The Sister Studio. She does fun facts on Saturday and posted about Amazon’s current best seller, the Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer & Volumizer Hot Air Brush

With newly short hair, I’ve been struggling to find a way to keep the volume in my hair. My hair is thick and grows outward which can make my hair heavy. I also do not use a lot of products in my hair because my roots hold product and makes my hair greasy. So needless to say, I was running out of options and hope! 

I’ve seen products like this for $50+ and was considering it but didn’t want to spend the money. But when I saw Jen post about this product, I figured I’d it a try! For just a little over $35 dollars and next day shipping with Prime, it was too good to pass up!  

I used it with newly washed hair and no product and wow, this thing is amazing! It has three settings, high hot, low hot and cool. I used the high hot setting and it took about 10 minutes, if that, to completely dry my hair. I had so much volume, that lasted throughout the day and overnight! I added a few curls to my hair the next day but still had so much volume! It also added so much shine to my hair!  

I’d highly recommend the Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer & Volumizer Hot Air Brush! It’s perfect for that blowout look at half the cost!